Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Sketch Books of a Life Time

Here are all the sketch books I have ever had in my life. I am only 18 and I have 17 Sketch books (that I could find) For this project I want to go through all my old sketch books going from the most recent to the least recent and I am going to take pictures of the inside to show how far I have come from a child to now!

This is the sketch book I am currently working on. It started on Sept. 17 2012 to Today Jan. 20 2014. Here are It's contents. 

Here is my Totoro sketchbook. I used this one during the summer of 2013. Starting in July and ending in September. 

I don't have dates for this sketchbook but It was during my Jr. year of  high school. 

This sketch book was some time during the summer and the beginning of Jr year. 

This is my sketch book sophmore year. It has the most depressing content. 


 This is my sketch book from 7th grade :D so long ago! 

 This is actually my very first painting! 

 I found this sketch pad laying around and I figure its around the summer before 7th grade. 

 6th grade

 This sketch book is 5th grade

 I think this is from early 7th late 6th grade

 I brought this to camp in 5th grade. 

 I think this might be from around 5th or 4th grade.

 This book starts in 2nd grade and goes all the way to 3rd grade. some of my oldest drawings are in here.

This picture is all the way back from 2nd grade. The point of this REALLY long blog is to recognize progression. To realize that to become good at something you HAVE to practice, usually talents don't just come pop right up into your face, you have to find something you love and you have to work and develop it. Even though most of my sketch books were filled with mostly cows, aliens, chipmunks and birds I think its a good thing to go back and look at all the things I have done in the past. It brings back lots of memories. 

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