Monday, November 25, 2013

 CANVAS PROJECT #1 This is the first stage of my poppy flower and hot air balloon painting. I got 10 little canvas and I want to use them all up to practice technique. It's really frustrating because nothing turns out like I see it in my head. I am trying to practice have no references and its real hard. This painting will (hopefully) look much much better when I finish it with its dry layer once the wet on wet drys. This is an oil painting I will post the final project as soon as I can! CANVAS PROJECT #1

Here are two different versions of a sketch I transfered into photoshop. I'm messing around with color. personally I like the blue/pink one better.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

This painted was done using a mixture of oil and acrylic paints
This is a video of the process it took me to paint a picture using oil colors. I took the picture every time I added a new section to the painting. Enjoy!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

  Used pen and watercolor to complete this picture. I like having meaning to my pictures and for this one I was trying to portray the feeling of being different. Feeling like a tulip growing out of a blossom tree. The green fairies are blossom fairies and they are changing the green beetles into lady bugs. while the tulip fairy sites alone befriending the beetles. This is ofter how I feel and I painted this picture to depict this feeling.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

These photos are all the rest of the art that I have on my computer I thought I would just put them on here so I can keep track of what I have done over the years.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Hi, I have decided to start this blog to post about my art and my current ideas and to document how I will grow as an artist over the months of my life. These pictures were made on photoshop using sketches from my sketchbook. I am going to be creating a lot of pictures that I can use to gain scholarships.